Although getting behind the wheel may seem like a simple, everyday task, it could be one of the most dangerous things you do all day long. As a defensive driver, you can help avoid motorized crashes and lower your risk of costly insurance claims.

By utilizing defensive driving measures, you can help keep yourself and other motorists safe on the road. Consider these tips when you are behind the wheel:
- Eliminate distractions—Focus on the road. Avoid using your cellphone, adjusting the radio, eating and drinking behind the wheel.
- Follow the rules of the road—Uphold standard protocols such as wearing a seat belt, obeying speed limits, using turn signals and approaching intersections with caution.
- Remain alert—Check your mirrors often, and try to scan road conditions ahead of you.
- Don’t depend on other drivers—Never assume another driver is going to move out of the way or allow you to merge. Plan your movements to anticipate the worst-case scenario.
Posted Thursday, May 02 2024 8:00 AM
Tags : auto insurance
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