For many of us, RVs are fun, exciting vehicles that we can take out for weekend camping trips or on road trips across the country. In many cases, RVs can be homes away from home, providing safety and comfort for us at times when we are out on the road or out in the bush.
However, your RV blurs the lines between motor vehicles and residences, which is why you cannot insure it under your standard auto insurance. Instead, you will have to insure it under RV insurance, which provides more specific benefits for the unique liabilities associated with these vehicles.
RV insurance is specifically designed to cover many of the residential and dwelling-related aspects of your vehicle. Therefore, it will usually apply to belongings carried within the vehicle. However, you must ensure that your plan provides the requisite term to adequately cover these items. Here’s how to determine how to do so.
Homeowners Insurance for Belongings Carried in RVs
Before considering how your RV insurance will cover personal belongings, first examine your homeowners insurance. In many cases, your standard home insurance will provide a base level of coverage even once you take items on the road with you. So, were items in your RV to be damaged in a wreck or stolen from a campsite.
However, there’s a catch. In many cases, your home insurance plan will offer you only very limited coverage options, so it is not the end of all means to covering your RV’s possessions.
If you live in an RV permanently or semi-permanently, your home insurance might classify your regular home as unoccupied. At this time, your standard possessions coverage might become more limited, and you might find that items within your RV are no longer covered. You might have to look to your RV insurance for additional benefits.
Personal Effects Insurance Within RV Insurance
If you have items that you store permanently in your RV, or if you live in your RV permanently, then your RV insurance will contain requisite benefits for these items.
Generally, RV insurance plans offer personal effects coverage, which can apply to items temporarily or permanently stored or carried within. It can insure them against losses caused by:
Therefore, if someone were to steal your computer from your RV while you are parked at a campground, then your personal effects coverage can provide necessary compensation for your losses. The good news is that regardless of whether you have homeowners insurance, you can still add this benefit to your RV policy. That way, you’ll get a more specific and customized benefit that will ensure that all possessions housed in your vehicles have coverage at all times.
Posted Tuesday, September 07 2021 12:23 PM
Tags : rv insurance